Tuesday, June 6, 2006

A Wake-up

I had intended on getting this started a couple of days ago. Now I'm about to fly out of Tallahassee in 19 hours, and end up sometime Saturday morning in London. 
A few thoughts come to mind: 
First, when signing up for Travelblog, and having to pick where I am, Tallahassee wasn't listed. Now, I can understand a fully comprehensive list would be all but impossible to create; however, Tallahassee is the state capital. Seems a little hinky, but it's fixed now. Next, I haven't flown in 14 years. There's a reason for this, namely crashing. Yet, I persevere. There are a lot of beautiful things, places, and people to see in the ever shrinking world, and I want to see what I can. 
Lastly, this trip is completely unplanned. There is only one thing that must take place. I have to end up going to a wedding in Gdansk, Poland, and then, of course, spending twenty-three hours coming back to Tally so I can go back to work. Otherwise, there's nothing I'm expected to do. Just make my flights, and don't cause trouble (who me?), and just enjoy. So that is the mindset I go to bed with tonight. Enjoying myself, and this little adventure I find myself on. 
My plan is to post every night while I'm gone, but I make no promises. I will do my best to bring you bits of London, St. Albans, Calais, Gdansk, and anywhere else I might find myself. Join me, won't you? 

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